Wholistic Stress Reduction Specialists

We assist in the transitions from states of overwhelm, hyperarousal
and exhaustion to states of peace, restoration, and resilience. 

The deadliest actions in our society, whether they are against self or others are usually reactions that come from someone’s hurt feelings.

So I ask you! What are You doing for or about your feelings today, in this moment, and all others? Do you have a game plan? If the one you’ve been using currently isn’t producing the effects you want in the world. Come be reconnected with your own innate healing powers! Be inspired to delve deeper into yourself than you ever knew you could. Acknowledging, Embracing, and Accepting your pain and suffering for what it is has the power to lighten your energetic load and open your awareness to miracles you have only dreamed of!

Our Approach


Our approach is Universal and starts with the knowledge of the existence of unconditional love, miracles, and the principles that define universal life & law. The curriculum and healing services offered at High Frequency Academy Ltd. include techniques for using the therapeutic properties of voice, light, instruments, naturally occurring elements, as well as the healing power of touch. Our purpose is to help marginalized individuals and communities tap deeper into the inner wellspring of joy that’s hidden behind the weight of their pain & suffering.

About Us


I Am A Light Worker
I Transform Darkness Into Light
I Align With Unconditional Love
I Am In Service To Free The Dome of My People
May The Light Shine Brightest In The Darkest Places!
Peace! Ase’! Svāhā! Amen! Shalom! آمين-Amiyn! 
So Be It! Namaste’! Unbuntu!

Ebony LePenn

Ebony LePenn is a mother, writer, licensed massage therapist, Reiki Master, energetic mentor, activist and advocate for unconditional love and peace.

She survived a near death experience that resulted in the murder of her husband Anthony P. Clay Sr. June 25, 2016, she suffered alone in silence for some time before seeking help from local survivor-led organizations and eventually becoming an agent of change herself. Helping to amend the victims compensation law in Massachusetts with her story of survival and the re-victimization she experienced after her loss was an empowering part of the process of re-finding her own voice.

Ebony was then inspired to create The Anthony P. Clay Healing Project in honor of Anthony Sr.’s life with a vision of being a source of healing for those who are struggling like they both did throughout their lives.

The APC Healing Project has since grown and now stands as the public benefit sector of High Frequency Academy Ltd. which is functioning as a school and healing oasis for those who are seeking a place of knowledge, solace, understanding and replenishment. In June of 2018, Ebony graciously received the Mothers’ of Courage and Conviction award from Mothers For Justice and Equality which further enhanced her commitment towards social justice in her community and other communities around the nation.


I recently moved, I asked Ebony to come over and bless my home. She always comes in the name of love and peace I noticed a bracelet she had on I loved it, she then took out over 20 bracelets, I picked one out, Ebony already had one for me as a gift it was the same one!I had questions for her as picked up the cards, I shuffled we blessed them, and every question I had was answered. The reading was on point of what I was going through.

On ebony’s birthday, I was having a rough day. I haven’t seen nor heard from ebony in over a year! I asked the ancestors to send me peace and guides. I was returning my rental car. I was in line, I turned around, there was Ebony. We celebrated her birthday by having a water ceremony in the ocean. It cleansed negative thoughts, it grounded me, she is definitely sent by the angels and God, it’s an honor to be in her presence.

Damaris Ortiz

Boston, MA

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Investment Opportunities

High Frequency Academy Ltd. is seeking investors who believe in more than a temporary fix for BIPOC communities. Our work helps people & organizations acknowledge and address the stressors that cause an imbalance in our communities by providing curriculum and healing services to help populations overwhelmed by trauma and historical violence to establish energetic coping and self-care skills that will improve the quality of life of individuals and communities globally.


Lives Touched


Dedicated Hours




Goal Lives Uplifted